Also, just as a side note, Happy Birthday to my amazing mother! Without you, I wouldn't be chasing my dream right now. Thank you, I love you, and I miss you so much!
This week in class we made a bunch of stuff, ice cream, sorbet, sherbet, gellato, bananas foster, baked Alaska (formally known as Alaska/Florida for the hot cold comparison), etc. Now I don't have pictures of everything, some things had to go in the freezer right away and then I forgot to go back and get pictures. However, I still have some great pictures for you!
Ice cream before it is put in the machine and churned and made into soft serve. After that, we put it into the freezer and it gets a little harder.
Cherries Jubilee while still in the pan. This was so good and was such a pretty color.
Cherries Jubilee with ice cream! So good with a scoop of ice cream!
Banana's foster, I was bored and most of the pan was empty so I took a really close up image of the bananas :P
Banana's foster with a scoop of Cinnamon ice cream! This was my favorite, so delicious!
This was my groups baked Alaska, after we put it in the over to golden up we torched it to get even more color.
That is my Chef, the way we light the Baked Alaska is by putting clean half egg shells on the top, then pouring some alcohol into them and then lightening them. It was so cool to see!
We made Crepes and this was mine. I don't know why but I decided to make a butterfly. It seemed like a good idea and I went with it. I heard making crepes was difficult but I actually don't think so, it was pretty easy and actually a little fun to do!
My class yesterday (Friday the 24th of January) went out on a field trip after cutting class a little early and heading to a restaurant that specializes in Crepes. This is mine, a strawberry, banana, and chocolate crepe. It was so delicious, I have to go back at some point.
Tea time! In class my group was able to make some tea because we were a bit ahead. So, we made some tea! This one is Jasmine and it was delicious!
That is all of the pictures that I have right now, I will take more during my practical next week! This class has been my favorite so far, even though it's only my third one. I still love it the most and chef is amazing and has so many great stories.
I will update you all next week on class, I plan on updating every Saturday and tell you all about my amazing classes! Thank you guys! Please, if you have any questions, just find me on facebook and message me! Also, if you ever want to send me images of your work I would love to see them, if I get enough I will make a post dedicated to just your work! See you all next week!